Leaf curl is a serious viral disease in tomato especially during hot/summer months. The virus spreads through a vector- whitefly. To control whitefly feeding on growing seedlings in nursery area, a 40-mesh nylon net is used to cover the nursery area. Thus viral infection is avoided till transplanting of seedlings in the main field. Viral diseases in chili and capsicums like chilly mosaic and leaf curl can also be controlled during nursery stage by providing nylon net coverage. This technology can also be used, with 40 mesh nylon nets, to control Spotted Wilt Virus of watermelon transmitted by thrips. The technology involves:

Twelve raised beds of 1.2m x 7.5m dimensions are to be prepared for getting the seedlings for one hectare area of main field (for tomato). Later the seeds started to germinate in the beds, 50 mesh nylon nets have to be covered over the beds. Nylon nets have to be stitched in the dimension of 1.2m width, 8.0m in length and 1.5m in height resulting in a box shape. For support of the net, Casuarinas or bamboo pads have to be used. While stitching a net, provision for entry in to the net have to be made. This entry point should be closable either with straps or clips, so that entire structure becomes insect proof. The bottom edge of the net have to be buried the soil. A non-walk in type net coverings can also be prepared with 1-2 feet height net covering. A movable support system can also be prepared with ¾” GI pipe or a-iron.

Transmission of viral diseases in nursery stage by vectors is avoided. As net also modify the microclimate inside, in terms of humidity and reduced sunlight, healthy seedling can be raised with this technology. Based on land holding of the farmer, even a 1 or 2 m2 area can also be covered with net. The height of the net can be even 1-2 feet for non walk-in type of nylon net protection structure.

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